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Sair verme pela boca da minha filha isso é perigoso

ComunidadeCategoria: Vida de mãesSair verme pela boca da minha filha isso é perigoso

minha filha tem um ano e meio tá com diarréia e vomitando saiu um verme pela boca oque eu fasso

2 respostas
Cristina SouzaCristina Souza respondeu 3 anos atrás

Leva sua filha na emergência porque verme é bem perigoso, ainda mais saindo pela boca.

Evan LansEvan Lans respondeu 2 meses atrás

For those unacquainted with its nuances, comprehending the significance of Codice Fiscale and navigating its calculation process can seem akin to deciphering an ancient script. While Italian nationals have their codes automatically generated based on their personal data, foreign individuals and entities operating within Italy may find themselves grappling with the task of manual calculation.

Thankfully, a wealth of resources exists to demystify this process, ranging from online calculators to specialized software programs. These https://calcola-codice-fiscale.it/ tools serve as invaluable aids, guiding users through the intricacies of inputting personal information and generating the corresponding code with precision and efficiency.

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2 respostas
Cristina SouzaCristina Souza respondeu 3 anos atrás
Leva sua filha na emergência porque verme é bem perigoso, ainda mais saindo pela boca.
Evan LansEvan Lans respondeu 2 meses atrás
For those unacquainted with its nuances, comprehending the significance of Codice Fiscale and navigating its calculation process can seem akin to deciphering an ancient script. While Italian nationals have their codes automatically generated based on their personal data, foreign individuals and entities operating within Italy may find themselves grappling with the task of manual calculation. Thankfully, a wealth of resources exists to demystify this process, ranging from online calculators to specialized software programs. These https://calcola-codice-fiscale.it/ tools serve as invaluable aids, guiding users through the intricacies of inputting personal information and generating the corresponding code with precision and efficiency.